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Maps, Why They Are Handy

Maps, Why They Are Handy

Many people claim they are very good and getting to where they need to go without the use of maps, that they do not need maps or to ask for directions. Others do not like to use maps, but rely heavily on directions. The problem with both these types of people, that unless they simply travel around their own area, or other places where they are familiar, they are most likely going to find themselves lost at least a few times in their lives as they travel.

Maps are handy to have available even if directions are available. The reason for this is that often time's directions include phrases such as "turn at the big blue building." If that building has been torn down, or if the person following the directions took a wrong turn somewhere else along the way, they will not be able to find the "big blue building" and will be completely lost. With a map, it is possible to find out where you are, and how to get back on course to find your destination.

Maps are also handy in planning road trips as they will often point out rest stops, which may be of great importance to some people, especially those traveling with children, and they will also point out scenic sites such as national parks, along the route. Without the use of a map, these places may be missed by the traveler, which may have made the trip more enjoyable.

Along with road maps being handy for those going on road trip, another map that is useful for people traveling to unfamiliar destinations are maps that layout all of the area's attractions, hotels, restaurants and other businesses that a traveler may be interested in. Often times these are very simple maps that are specific to a few miles radius. This information is very valuable to those wanting to make the most of their trip, but do not know where to find certain places, or what is available to them while visiting the area.

Some maps are very detailed and may take a person awhile to really understand everything that is on the map, which is why studying the map prior to traveling is a good idea. That way, sites rest stops or other places of interest will not be missed.

Maps are also helpful in determining how long it takes to get from one point to the next as mileage can easily be calculated. Along with finding out how long a trip will take, maps are also useful for finding the best route based on the travelers particular needs and desires while traveling. Some may want the quickest way possible; others may prefer the more scenic route.

Along with all the information that can be found on a map, another reason maps are handy, which may be the most important reason of all, maps will save the traveler valuable time. If the person has taken the time to study the map, chart out the course or highlight the places of interest, that person will not have to take time while on the trip trying to get directions if lost or deciding last minute how to find the desired attraction, restaurant, or hotel.

No matter the reason for traveling, nor the distance traveled, maps serve many useful purposes, making any traveler's life a little easier and often more enjoyable.


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